Computer Science

  • Potato Pirates guide on saving Time and Money with Python

    How I saved 120 hours and $600 on Xero with Python Automation and Zapier

    Money can’t buy you time, but Python can (for free). Let's cut to the chase: Automation of forex conversion: Saved 20 hours ⏰ Not using the multi-currency feature in Xero: Saved $600 💰💰 Automating receipts attachments: 100 hours ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ Background...

  • how to help bridge the gender gap in STEM

    How To Bridge The Gender Gap In STEM

    Activities to get your girls started with their STEM journey March marks Women's History Month and as such, we would like to dedicate a post to honor all the ladies and powerful females that have a significant impact on your...

  • fundamentals of binary you need to know

    Fundamentals Of Binary You Need To Know

    Binary made really easy to understand for anyone Binary at first glance can be very confusing. And why won't it be? A long string of ones and zeros isn't the easiest to decipher. But what if I told you that...

  • fundamentals of binary part 2

    Fundamentals of Binary You Need to Know - Part 2

    How binary is used for data representation and how to convert it to hex, ascii and unicode  In the previous guide we learnt that binary is a base 2 system and how the idea of it even came about. But have you ever...

  • what is computer science and how to make kids love it

    How To Make Kids Love Programming Using Computer Science Games

    As a student, I always wondered whether what I was learning in school was going to matter tomorrow. Will knowing about the deeper meaning behind “The Lord of The Flies” help me in any way in life? I haven’t had...