· By Codomo Singapore
7 Innovative Ways How To Make Christmas 2023 Special
This year, as you meet up with family, relatives and friends, we hope that you can do things that you enjoy doing on Christmas. This may be a cozy night in or maybe a festive party, but remember, the most important part is spending time with your loved ones. We spend lots of time in the living room while waiting for the turkey and gravy to reach the dinner table, so we’re here to give you some special, personalised and fun ideas for you to do to make Christmas 2023 a magical one!
Here are 7 innovative tips for celebrating Christmas with some fun activities, guaranteed for the whole family to enjoy!
1. The Family of the Traveling Tablecloth
Creating a family heirloom can be very meaningful. Find inspiration on what you want to make together with the whole family, and pass it down through the years. To take one inspiration, remember the movie "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"? Instead of pants, you can make everyone draw their own design on the tablecloth so it holds the uniqueness of each family member. Make a simple embroidery or use a fabric pen to create your signature design!
2. Organize Family Photo Albums
Organising old photo albums can be overwhelming when you're doing it alone. Use this special time to make all your family members participate in organising family photo albums. Prepare the old photos and add the newest ones to create a unique photo album. Don't forget to put this Thanksgiving memory on that album.
3. Family Card Games
There's nothing worse than feeling bored on the day you should be having fun. Playing card games that kids and adults can play together will light up the room. Although some card games have a certain age to play, there's some card games for families that you can still play. Have everyone place their phone away and turn off the TV. Game on!
4. Enjoy Secret Santa
What better way to spread the Christmas joy than by gift-giving! Anonymously assign each family member to another family member. Then, on Christmas day, everyone gets to open the presents addressed to them and guess who gave it! It's a fun way to start of Christmas morning, not only do you get to enjoy the feeling of receiving a new gift, but you also get to see the happiness on your relatives face as they tear open the wrapping paper and see your gift! Remember to take a picture of the magical moment!
5. Surprise Potluck

This year, why not spice up your Christmas by doing a Potluck for Christmas dinner . A potluck is where everyone brings their own dish for everyone else to enjoy! But there's a twist, why not make each person's dish a surprise! Compile a list of your family's favourite dishes and write them down on little pieces of paper. Everyone randomly gets to pick a paper and they have to bring whatever is written! Make it even more interesting by making it a competition on whose food is the tastiest! Learn a new skill while spending time with your family doing the best known method of family bonding- Eating!
6. Host A Family Board Games Night
Decide on a board game that you and your crew can play. There's a lot of parent child games that you can play. Pick one board game and have a friendly competition while waiting for the good food to get ready. We recommend Potato Pirates: Battlechips, an incredibly fun and exciting computer science board game that teaches players computer science concepts effortlessly through play! And enjoying a quick appetizer (Potato chips, anyone?) while playing the game definitely won't hurt.
7. Jokes Competition
When it comes to family fun activities, don't miss this one. Jokes competition is an excellent idea to bring laughter and bond with the entire family. Telling jokes to your family and laughing together is the easiest way to not only spend time with each other, but get to know each other more! But be careful, if you're telling a joke about someone else, be nice!
Final Thoughts
What makes Christmas gatherings important is that we always spare some time to gather with our family on the day. Christmas day is not just about eating and watching shows together or putting up the decoration, there are so many activities that we can do together to create memorable moments every year. Playing family board games or exchanging gifts can be one of the many fun activity options when you’re together on Christmas day.
At the end of the day, this holiday allows us to give thanks and show our appreciation. So, any activity counts as new memories with your family, and loved ones. Hopefully, these innovative ideas can make your holidays in 2023 more memorable.