Gamification and Games

  • Gamification in Education: How to Gamify Your Lesson to Encourage Collaboration

    Gamification in Education: How to Gamify Your Lesson to Encourage Collaboration

    As any teacher knows, keeping students engaged can be a challenge. Students are often easily distracted, and it can be difficult to keep them focused on the lesson at hand. However, there is a tool that can help: gamification. Gamification...

  • coding games for kids

    8 Best Coding Games for Kids

    When it comes to coding games, there is a seemingly endless variety to choose from. Whether you're child is in the mood for a quick game of checkers or a longer game of chess, there's a game out there that...

  • Potato Pirates 3: Battlechips, A Spud-Techular Coding Card Game Coming To Port Soon!

    Potato Pirates 3: Battlechips, A Spud-Techular Coding Card Game Coming To Port Soon!

    Now that restrictions all around the world begin to ease up and people are more available to head back to school and events and school. Life begins to look a little more like how it used to be before the...

  • Best video games in 2022

    These Are The Best New Games to Look Forward to in 2022 and Beyond

    Even if a video games’ development is going well, it is hard to know how long it will take to be ready for the public. Since the covid-19 pandemic started, folks have been looking for ways to entertain themselves, as...

  • Best tabletop games in 2022

    Best Co-op Games to Play in 2023 - Tried & Tested

    Looking for the perfect cooperative game for you, your friends, and family? Look no further, we have just the list for you! Games tend to be associated with a healthy dose of competition, but we found that once in awhile, we crave a...

  • Analog Board Games vs Digital Games, best Programming Games for Kids

    Analog Board Games vs Digital Games: Which Programming Games for Kids are More Beneficial?

    If you time-travelled to the 90s and asked someone to show you their favourite game, they would likely bring out a board game. On the other hand, if you asked someone the same thing today, they would probably show you...