Coding Challenge

  • learn to code

    Learn to Code in 2024: Top 15 Pathways to Success

    Learning to code has become not just a skill but a fundamental necessity, unlocking a world of opportunities across various industries. Whether you're a novice eager to embark on a coding journey or a seasoned developer looking to refine your...

  • scratch coding

    What is Scratch Coding? Meaning, Working, and Applications

    In the dynamic realm of programming languages, Scratch emerges as a beacon of innovation and user engagement. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, Scratch has revolutionized how we approach coding, making it accessible to a...

  • Battlechips: The Ultimate Strategic STEM Card Game for Coding Enthusiasts

    Battlechips: The Ultimate Strategic STEM Card Game for Coding Enthusiasts

    Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure, battling fellow players in a quest to become the ultimate Potato Pirate? Introducing Potato Pirates: Battlechips, a highly strategic and engaging STEM card game that guarantees loads of fun and covers...

  • coding practice

    Cracking the Code: Secrets to Successful Coding Practice

    In the ever-evolving world of technology, coding practice is the key that unlocks the door to success for programmers of all levels. Whether you're a coding enthusiast looking to improve your skills or a professional developer aiming to stay ahead...

  • 10 Best Practices for Debugging Code

    10 Best Practices for Debugging Code

    Debugging is an essential skill for software developers. It allows them to identify and fix issues in their code, ensuring it functions correctly. However, debugging code can be time-consuming and frustrating if not approached systematically. This blog post will explore...

  • Potato Pirates give challenge to crack password, learn coding with games

    Try Cracking These 7 Passwords If You Can

    Our passwords are super vulnerable Previously, I wrote a Medium article on how I cracked 40,000 passwords with Python in an hour. I wrote how companies store our sensitive passwords in their database responsibly (and also irresponsibly), how p@$$w0rd and...