Coding Challenge

  • Potato Pirates give challenge to crack password, learn coding with games

    Try Cracking These 7 Passwords If You Can

    Our passwords are super vulnerable Previously, I wrote a Medium article on how I cracked 40,000 passwords with Python in an hour. I wrote how companies store our sensitive passwords in their database responsibly (and also irresponsibly), how p@$$w0rd and...

  • python coding challenge answers from Potato Pirates, learn coding with games

    Forbidden Magic III: The Answer to All

    For a moment, Potato King was speechless. His throat felt tight and his heart sank as his eyes tried to make sense of the words on the Answer to All. The truth has now become clear. He had messed up...

  • python coding challenge part 2

    Forbidden Magic II: Veggie Vengeance

    The truth is ready to be decoded Potato King wiped the sweat off his tubery forehead - after several hours, he had finally deciphered the mess that was the "Terms of Service". He was tired, but he knew he needed...

  • python coding challenge part 1

    Forbidden Magic

    The Legend of Potato King - Part 1 There it was. The artifact he’d been looking for; it was stained and caked in mud, but in much better shape than he’d expected, given that it had been buried underground for...